According to the research done by Centre for Agriculture, and Environment, the red coloured plastic mulch offered various benefits in vegetable gardening. The colours can affect the growth of plant and yield. The red mulch film boosted the red coloured tomato yields. It was found mulch helped in conserve soil moisture, weed was controlled, and regulated soil temperature also. In addition there was reduction in soil erosion which helped to prevented the loss of nutrient. We recommend you to select appropriate mulching film colour, which eventually help farmers to improve the yield of crops. The researcher has concluded that by the use of correct mulching film colour, the production was as high as 20% to 30%. This result depends upon how properly use the mulching film used.
According to the researchers at the University of California’s Kearney Agricultural Centre have found that reflective silver colour mulch film effectively deterred the viral diseases caused by aphids, as well as whiteflies giving plant a suitable environment. In Virginia Tech studies, silver mulch also reduced cucumber beetle populations on cucumber and squash plants. Additionally, research at Penn State has shown that bell peppers cultivated on silver mulch produced about 20% more fruit compared to those grown on black plastic mulch. We recommend using our product for your growth of agricultural products so that you can take most out of the high quality plastic mulch which you may take advantage.
According to the research report of AFU, it was found that crop grown by using the black and silver colour mulching film showed the highest production rate. The black and silver coloured mulching plastic showed improvement in weight of the fruits, the height of the plant, more number of fruits in the plant, and more leaves.
According to the research done by UNESP of Brazil, it was recorded that the colour of mulching plastic effect plant and quality of the fruit. The fruit grown under the red mulching plastic was superior in comparison to other colour mulch. The experiment was done on Tomato. The tomato was found to be the higher quality with more weight.